Place-Based Initiatives
To achieve Get Healthy Idaho's vision: Healthy people living and thriving in safe, healthy and resilient communities, the division has activated a place-based approach to improve the conditions within communities that impact health. This focused effort enables the division to work with communities to understand the whole story, such as patterns or trends of disease, poor health outcomes and disparities in health and community conditions. Additionally, an intentional focus on the people within a place helps to gain a better understanding of residents and a neighborhood's history and culture. Place-based health priorities can be identified through community outreach and engagement, building relationships with residents and ensuring there is space at the table to identify the challenges, opportunities and shared priorities of the community.
Through GHI, the department is making intentional investments that empower communities to identify their health priorities and implement community-led solutions that lead to sustainable improvements in health. This approach empowers communities to build upon their existing assets and prioritize local solutions to address identified gaps, while fostering partnerships that aid in sustaining and catalyzing the community’s progress.
Learn more about this placed based initiative by exploring the Get Healthy Idaho Story Map featuring our first two communities in Elmore and Bannock counties.
Research shows wide differences in quality of life and life expectancy depending on where an individual lives. Where you live influences your ability to access fresh healthy food, quality schools, safe parks and green space, health care services, jobs with fair wages, places to socialize and connect and a variety of stable, affordable housing options. For example, to improve both health and educational outcomes, neighborhoods need quality schools with safe routes that enable students, and residents alike, to walk or ride comfortably.