Idaho BRFSS Adverse Childhood Experiences
As part of a department-wide focus on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), the Idaho BRFSS conducted analysis of ACEs data collected in 2020 and presents the results here as a standalone ACEs dashboard. The analysis includes statewide estimates of the occurrence of specific ACEs as well as the relationship between ACEs and other health-related conditions and risk behaviors.
Companion reports to this dashboard are available as Adobe PDF documents. The reports highlight statistically significant findings associate with the Idaho BRFSS ACEs measures and other health outcomes and risk factors. Click the 'Notes, Data & Other Info' button on the dashboard below to access the report.
The Idaho BRFSS Program may continue to provide additional analysis and updates to this dashboard, so check back periodically. For more information or to requests BRFSS analysis not included in this dashboard, contact Chris Murphy, Idaho BRFSS Director, at or (208)332-7326.
The main Idaho BRFSS data dashboard can be viewed here.